We were blessed to have a Habecker wedding right here in South Florida! As a child, I attended all my Habecker cousin's weddings in Pennsylvania and now their children are growing up and are of marrying age. Sheldon is a pastor in Salunga, Pennsylvania. The bride, Jennifer, is from Hobe Sound, Florida. The ceremony was beautiful and I loved the fact that they signed the wedding license during the ceremony. I have never seen that done before and was told it was a Canadian tradition. (Jennifer Shillington's Dad is from Canada)
This was James' and Nate's first wedding. James really didn't care one iota about the ceremony...
...while Nate was very attentive and observant. Here he is checking out the program.
Love these males!
Habeckers abound!
The reception was lovely as well. As were these two sweeties! Rebecca sure enjoyed going to the wedding with Taylor!
Warning: Pregnant woman needs food. Now.
James was disappointed in how his baby blue cookie tasted. ("poor" mom had to eat it for him)
Chocolate! A much better choice!
Monkeying around.
At this table we have my Uncle John and Aunt Shirley (grandparents of the groom), Bro. and Sis. Arnold (if I lived in Pennsylvania, I would definitely attend their church. LOVE them!), the Pierpoints (who married Rob and I almost 19 years ago) and another unidentified couple.
My cousins, Kevin and Noreen, with their son Dwight (back to the camera), his girlfriend to his left and Chris Shillington, cousin to the bride.
My cousins Crystal and Mike and two of their children.
Cutting the (yummy) cake.
Catching up with my cousin, Steve. It has been years since we have spent time together and it was so good to just sit and catch up on life. Steve is the father of the groom. (we also share a birthday!)
Ear-wax bird enjoying the reception. Don't ask.
Dwight caught the camo-garter belt and Ana Kline caught the bouquet! Dwight is finishing up nursing school. He's gonna be a GREAT nurse!!
Rev. Arnold chatting with Robert Booth. (brother-in-law to the bride) Oh yeah, and that's my super-duper-dad enjoying having his sister and all her children in town for the weekend!
Chad (youngest of the Habecker boys, holding his son) and his wife Paula. He and Paula are such good parents and we enjoyed hanging with them at the reception. Nathanael really attached himself to their daughter, Kiersten. (I think that's how it's spelled!)
With everyone going their own direction, we didn't get any other group pictures besides the one that Churchill's took, but here are Adela and I, and our two daughters, with Chad and his two children. Of all the Habecker boys, Chad was closest to our age and I remember playing with all his toys down in the basement of their lovely home in Pennsylvania when we were little.
Getting to know Paula better was an absolute joy! Rebecca and I attended Chad and Paula's wedding in Pennsylvania. I think Becca was about 4 years old at the time.
Congratulations to Sheldon and Jennifer Habecker! Jennifer, welcome to the family!
Your pics turned out beautiful! It was a fun day, even if I did almost loose it over hunger. lol
Love ya!
Awsome job Allana. Loved the day and was so happy you girls got caught up with family. love mom
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