Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Brace Yourself!

Braces...the gift that keeps on giving. Things were light for Rebecca (who, by the way, has asked to change her name to Rebekah, and will hereafter be referred to as such, until such a time as she changes her mind) under the Christmas tree this year. Her gift came in the form of metal in the mouth. So far, Rebekah is the only of our children who's teeth didn't get the message that they were to grow nice, straight and even. A money whooping will set them straight! We should have done this last year, but didn't know how things would go financially...hindsight.

This is a pretty good before shot. You can see her naughty teeth.

Dr. Bradford setting in the brackets.

All set, waiting for the glue to completely dry.

It has now been 4 weeks, and wowza! What a difference already! Rebekah is blessed that her teeth are moving so quickly and easily! Go back and look at the first picture! Merry Christmas, Rebekah, AND.....Happy Valentine's Day, Happy Birthday, Easter, Christmas 2011...etc. (How long can I milk this?)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

kWOW what a change already!
I can see a beautiful smile on the way one she can be happy with. love mom